Sunday, July 17, 2016

Help Me Please

Often times my MIL will yell "Help Me Please" when she simply thinks she can't get up out of the bed. This of course has the whole house running thinking she has fallen or something terrible has happened. She can get out of the bed herself, I think she just forgets. Or she will say something along the lines of "No, I have had help for days" (not true). We tell her to try and most of the time its such a half ass try, but if you wait long enough she will do it and we remind her she can do it for herself. It isn't that we don't want to help her. Obviously is no big deal to lend a helping hand but everything we read says have them do as much for themselves as possible. I imagine once she is no longer mobile, it will be a whole different ball game. She currently wears diapers but also goes to the restroom. The diapers started as an overnight thing. Every day we were washing all the bedding, her and the clothes and it was just too much. We had some daytime diapers in case she didn't make it to the restroom in time and the nighttime as well. Since her hip surgery in December of last year she wears the nighttime diapers full time. Sometimes she will go all day and make it to the bathroom in time, but if not, we don't have to worry. Thank goodness for Amazon prime where I order almost everything for her. I have found washable thick pads for the bed to keep the bed clean most of the time. That has cut down on our laundry so much. I try new things but stick with the things that work. Non-slippery socks and washcloths are things we go through like crazy. Its great to know it will be here tomorrow or the next day because we already have a house to run and I am not great at lists!

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