Thursday, July 28, 2016

Find a trash can

I think her memory is significantly worse than just last week. She used to always put her diapers in the trash can in the restroom. Now I find them in various places in her room. I think we might need to move her room around a bit. I don't know. Our daughter helps but it isn't enough. We are going to have to find someone else who is able to clean her up, fix a full meal and sit and talk with her. The biggest issue is getting her up to walk. She won't listen to us but is more likely to listen to someone else. I think it if becomes more of a routine for her, it will make it easier on all of us in the long run. Not to mention there is more day to day cleaning that needs to be done (seems to be growing every week. My husband told me before we moved it that it would be hard. He lived with his grandparents his whole life. His grandfather suffered a stroke. His grandma was pretty healthy but confined to a wheelchair (or chair) when I met him. He knew there would be a lot of things I (we) never took into consideration. I was not swayed. I knew the only good, decent, right option was to move her in with us. All in all he was afraid it would be too much for our marriage. We have been through so much together so I didn't worry. It is hard. Not for the reasons I thought. I thought there would be specific items or issues that would have at each others throats over. It isn't that, it just the added stress. There aren't any problems we can't work out. To be honest, it is mostly my lack of communication that is probably more of an issue than anything else. I tend to take care of whatever is going on, not ask for help or even mention it but over time... well over time it builds up. It has made me realize it is okay not to do everything alone. Taking it day by day is what we are doing. Everything day by day. Sometimes hour by hour.

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