Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Few Weeks

It's amazing how much can change in a few weeks. A few weeks ago she was getting up in the morning, changing her diaper and clothes and getting herself to the bathroom. Now, she might get up out of bed. Takes her diaper off and leaves it where it lay and no longer going into the restroom. What changed? What switch turned off? I've no idea. She thinks she is still taking herself to the restroom but she doesn't. She looks different as well sometimes. Less...less like someone is in there. It is heartbreaking. We know from past experience that seniors especially have a personality change when there is dehydration. I am fairly certain that isn't the case this time. She is getting plenty of fluids and her urine isn't dark. It has been very hot outside but we keep the house nice and cool. There so many things I am thankful for that she can still do and is aware of, but those fleeing things are so difficult to let go.

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